• Question: did u always want to do the job you do

    Asked by LowennaF to Bhagteshwar, Amy on 10 Jan 2022.
    • Photo: Amy Mason

      Amy Mason answered on 10 Jan 2022:

      Gods, no!

      I wanted to be a forensic pathologist. I’d watched a lot of CSI style crime shows and was sure that was it… until I found out that bodies smell. Nope, not for me.

      Then I wanted to be a ceremic pottery. Tragically, I lack any skill at this and can do no more than was Great British Throw Down and dream.

      Then I wanted to be a mathematician. I was very good at this, and even got a PhD. But there is very little funding for mathematical research, compared to medical research.

      So I jumped to medical stats. Just because I could do it and it would pay me. Surprisingly for me, I loved it. Really loved it. I did more training in stats, and I’m planning to stay in medical stats research for as long as they will have me.
