• Question: do you think an iron man suit much like the one a fictional character (tony stark) created ? if so how far in the future would it be and how long would the making of the suit take ? thank you.

    Asked by anon-308393 on 7 Jan 2022.
    • Photo: Samuel Ellis

      Samuel Ellis answered on 7 Jan 2022:

      Interesting question. A lot of the iron man tech is still fairly impossible, for example the ARC reactor in his chest which seems to generate huge amounts of energy without obeying the laws of physics. Other aspects are not so far-fetched though, some militaries are already experimenting with exoskeletons to increase soldier strength, or functional jet packs!

    • Photo: John Tulloch

      John Tulloch answered on 10 Jan 2022:

      Its very nearly there!!! Youtube ‘Royal Marines Jet Suit’. It is unbelievably cool! The flying elements are there, but not as smooth as IronMans, and to date there is no weaponry on it.

    • Photo: Valerie Vancollie

      Valerie Vancollie answered on 18 Jan 2022:

      One of the coolest things about science fiction things like the Iron Man suit is that they can sometimes inspire scientists to make it real. It won’t always be exactly as it was in fiction, but things like 3D printers draw their inspiration from shows like Star Trek.
