• Question: how has covid affected your work

    Asked by lucy to Toby, Thomas, Natsuko, Laura, Christopher, Carys, Amy on 7 Jan 2022.
    • Photo: Amy Mason

      Amy Mason answered on 7 Jan 2022:

      Covid affected my work in several ways.

      I don’t work in an office anymore I work from home. This has turned out to be really good for me, as it is much easier to make adaptions for my disability work at home. I can take naps in bed or have a bath when the pain gets bad. This has some drawbacks as well – it is much harder for me (and my partner) to stop work creeping beyond our paid working hours. It’s really important to set aside time to play and relax as well as work.

      Also, I don’t have to go abroad or to other cities to attend conferences. Conferences online are so much better. I can drop in for a few hours for the bit I am most interested in and don’t have to fly on a plane and try to pay attention when jetlagged. I know other people miss the socialization aspects, but I was rarely well enough after travel to indulge in those!

      It has also made people much more aware of statistics and their importance, which makes my job talking about them much easier.
