• Question: If you have already had COVID is the chance of getting it again much smaller?

    Asked by Kaileb on 1 Feb 2022.
    • Photo: Prabs Dehal

      Prabs Dehal answered on 1 Feb 2022:

      The chance of catching it is the same, but the chance of your body dealing with it quicker and getting rid of it before it causes damage is higher.
      Your body can’t stay on high alert just for covid all the time though, which is why getting 2nd vaccination or more (boosters) to keep the alert up while covid is still around is important.

    • Photo: Valerie Vancollie

      Valerie Vancollie answered on 1 Feb 2022:

      The answer to this will be dependent on which variant you had when you were ill and which variant is around now. Omicron seems better able to infect people who have had the previous variants. It’s part of why it has spread so far, so fast.

    • Photo: Melanie Krause

      Melanie Krause answered on 2 Feb 2022:

      Hi Nada,

      That depends on the variant. For example if you had Delta you can still get Omicron, but if you had omicron very recently its unlikely that you will get it again very quickly… but after a few months that immediate protection fades. However once you had it its often the case that the next infection will be more mild.
