• Question: Will u continue looking through things and find out more things that will maybe cure covid?

    Asked by base449jaw on 4 Feb 2022.
    • Photo: Valerie Vancollie

      Valerie Vancollie answered on 4 Feb 2022:

      People will definitely keep looking as finding new ways to cure or treat Covid will help a lot of people and make it so we might be able to return to normal faster.

      Personally I don’t work in the field of curing Covid, but my team monitors its spread in the UK and looks to see if there are new variants. We will keep doing this as long as the government wants us to.

    • Photo: Holly Kerr

      Holly Kerr answered on 7 Feb 2022:

      I’m working on the search for antiviral treatments for COVID and yes! Scientists all around the world are still looking. Although we have vaccines and the current Omicron variant appears to be less severe, it is so important to continue to look for treatments. People are still getting sick and dying from COVID- not everyone gets the vaccine for various reasons, the vaccine isn’t 100% effective and there is the chance of a more severe variant coming along. Also, there are more coronaviruses than the one that caused the pandemic. And there are likely to be new coronaviruses in future. Making sure we have effective drugs that can fight these viruses is good for now and to prevent another coronavirus pandemic in the future.
