• Question: Hi David, what was your PhD research on? Any tips from going from undergrad straight to PhD?

    Asked by east449yet to David on 9 Feb 2022.
    • Photo: David Burnett

      David Burnett answered on 9 Feb 2022:

      Hello! I’m still doing my PhD at the moment, I’m turning plant viruses into useful nano-sized scaffolds that we can use for interesting things like; vaccines, making useful chemicals and as specialised drugs.

      Good grades are important for going straight from undergrad to a PhD but more importantly if you want to do a lab-based PhD you’ll want to get as much experience of workin in a lab as you can! If you find any of your lecturers work interesting it’s worth asking them if they would be willing to take you on to do a small research project, perhaps during the summer.

      PhD’s can be very competitive to get into so if you don’t get the first one you want then keep on trying! Going straight into it from undergrad is only one way too; I have friends that went and worked as lab technicians for a few years before applying and others who decided to do a Masters before committing to a PhD.
