• Question: how does the corona virus attack cells and does the corona virus convert your cells into corona cells.

    Asked by PaperClip on 7 Jan 2022.
    • Photo: Jonny Coates

      Jonny Coates answered on 7 Jan 2022:

      The virus uses it’s spike protein a little bit like a key in a lock. The spike protein can enter specific cells in your lungs and airways. Once inside a cell the virus hijacks the replication machinery to make lots and lots of copies of itself. Eventually the cell will burst which releases all these newly made viruses to go and infect other cells.

      It doesn’t convert your cells to corona cells but it does convert them into virus making factories!

    • Photo: Chris Budd

      Chris Budd answered on 8 Jan 2022:

      Sorry I can’t answer this one .. better to ask a biologist

    • Photo: Melanie Krause

      Melanie Krause answered on 8 Jan 2022:

      The virus uses a protein on it’s surface (the spike protein) to trick cells into taking the virus up. Once it’s in the cell it kind of turns the cell into a zombie and forces it to produce more virus particles rather than stuff that the cell would need.
      The cell itself is not a ‘corona cell’, it can’t become a virus, but it makes viruses that then infect other cells.
