• Question: when you were studying for gcses how much time did you revise for

    Asked by alex on 11 Jan 2022.
    • Photo: Shona Moore

      Shona Moore answered on 11 Jan 2022:

      I can’t remember exactly but I definitely studied more for some subjects than others! I put more time into the subjects that I enjoyed the most. It’s definitely important to try and have a better balance when studying for your GCSEs than I did, maybe put more time into the subjects that you find harder? At A-level you have a great opportunity to take the subjects that you really love. I found it a little easier to manage my time when I was doing only subjects that I was passionate about!

    • Photo: Chris Budd

      Chris Budd answered on 11 Jan 2022:

      It depended on the GCSE. I revised a lot for French which I found very hard, and not much for maths which I have always found easy

    • Photo: Jonny Coates

      Jonny Coates answered on 11 Jan 2022:

      Not a huge amount if I’m honest – which is probably not what any teachers on here what me to say! I did study a lot at A-level though (and taught first yera biology classes at the same time) so I made up for it. I’m a big believer in not putting all your stress into work though.

    • Photo: Laura Durrant

      Laura Durrant answered on 11 Jan 2022:

      I can’t remember exactly, but I remember studying more for subjects I struggled with like Geography and History. Subjects like Maths and Science came a bit more naturally to me so I found them easier.

    • Photo: John Tulloch

      John Tulloch answered on 11 Jan 2022:

      To be honest, it was so long a go that I have forgotten. I prioritised the subjects I found hard or did not enjoy. I always ensured that after my evening meal I did no revision as it is important for you to relax and to allow your brain to digest all the things it has learnt that day

    • Photo: Samuel Ellis

      Samuel Ellis answered on 11 Jan 2022:

      Similar to others I cannot remember too clearly. I’m pretty sure I did more last minute cramming at high school, and did not start more sensible revision planning until A-levels, which is not good advice! I definitively had to struggle more with languages too, especially French!

    • Photo: Melanie Krause

      Melanie Krause answered on 11 Jan 2022:

      Hi Alex
      I did my school degree in Germany so it would be a bit different, but for my final examinations (which were in 4 different subjects), I started writing memory cards during my final year that had all the important information for the different subjects on them.. we had some time off school before the final examinations which was about one month.. in that time I revised all the subjects picking two per day and then revising them for three hours each
      I hope this helps 🙂
