• Question: why do you like science so much

    Asked by paperplate 2 on 7 Jan 2022.
    • Photo: Jonny Coates

      Jonny Coates answered on 7 Jan 2022:

      Being the only person to know that new thing you’ve just discovered. Until you share and tell everyone you are the only person in history to know that bit of information or to have seen something brand new. It’s an unbeatable feeling! But also the freedom that comes with this job – I am in control of my day/week and determine what I do.

    • Photo: Chris Budd

      Chris Budd answered on 8 Jan 2022:

      Because it is so wonderfully creative, and also based on logic. I also love working with scientists. In science results are what they are, it doesnt depend on the authority of the scientist. So lots of people can do great work, and at the same time you cant fool nature. This tends to keep us all humble, which is good.

    • Photo: Melanie Krause

      Melanie Krause answered on 8 Jan 2022:

      For me its pretty much the same as what Jonny just answered. The fact that YOU are the person to find out something.. to maybe discover how a virus gets rid of a protein that is important in immune defence.. and its a mechanism that has been like that since the virus existed (and for poxviruses that would be thousands of years).. and YOU are the one who found out about it… it’s awesome 🙂

    • Photo: John Tulloch

      John Tulloch answered on 10 Jan 2022:

      The endless numbers of questions that you can answer! You ask about something unknown and then get explore many different ways of trying to find the answer to it. Most of my methods are through coding on the computer. I love being able to share my findings and know that some of my research findings will help improve the health and well being of people and animals

    • Photo: Amy Mason

      Amy Mason answered on 10 Jan 2022:

      Because it can make our lives better. Science finds things that are dangerous or hard and makes them easier for us.

    • Photo: Holly Kerr

      Holly Kerr answered on 10 Jan 2022:

      Science is a big community constantly pondering bits of the world! You get to ask lots of questions, learn every day and try to make a difference in solving some of the issues we are facing like COVID, climate change, human and animal disease…

    • Photo: Valerie Vancollie

      Valerie Vancollie answered on 18 Jan 2022:

      Because it allows us to discovery new and fascinating things. This, in turn, can allow us to make new things and improve people’s lives. Or help us better combat diseases like Covid-19.
