• Question: It's so refreshing and reassuring for me as part of the lgbtq+ community to see representation of us in the science sector :) How is it working in science and STEM being part of the community? Do you feel accepted and comfortable in your workplace? Coming from someone hoping to also work within the science sector !

    Asked by LiliL to Rebekah on 11 Jan 2022.
    • Photo: Rebekah Penrice-Randal

      Rebekah Penrice-Randal answered on 11 Jan 2022:

      Hello! Really pleased to see that you are hoping to get involved with science – that is fantastic!
      As long as you can accept who you are then nothing else matters!! I was lucky to have a very supportive family (my mom worked in lgbtq+ and I was around the community for as long as I can remember!!). I like to think people give me merit on my science as opposed to my identities anyway, although I have never had any problems! Sometimes it can be a little daunting as when you look towards the top of the chain there aren’t as many women or lgbtq+ role models, but I am sure we are changing that! 😀
